"Who do you think you are?" we all heard these words at least once in life. Quite often we prefer NOT to think about us at all. However we all have a image of ourselves in our minds that we build based on our life experiences. This image affects our decisions on what we accept from the world as on the big scale as well as in everyday "offerings". This work book is a great chance to get clear on what you think of yourself, feel good about you and create a positive, feel good self image with the power of thought and creative work combined together. Imagine saying yes only to the things that align with your self image! What if you have no creative gene in you? The video instructions on drawing 10 flowers and watercoloring them will make sure you have the skills to activate the creative powers in you and use them in any of your future journaling. Are you ready for the dates with yourself? Thank you for allowing me to help you to arrange those dates. Have a wonderful time!!!