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How doing art works towards finding the resources to deal with life's many challenges

When I see a new box with the coloured pencils - it is like getting an invitation to the beautiful places we can go and to meet the interesting creatures as well... It means the time when the outside world pauses but the inner world starts blooming.

When the tight spring of pressure and stress gets repaired, regains the strength and holds the roof of sanity with ease.

I believe it is not about turning people into the artists

It is not turning the art into sellable goods (although some people choose it and succeed in it)

It is about working with art as a tool or method to get into a special state of mind when we will let go of all the unnecessary presumptions on how things should be and all the pressure associated with it.

Usually the stress blocks our ability to see beyond the problem.

But when we are dissolved in the process of creating something it releases the energy and frees the space for seeing and accepting the solutions and allowing the expanded vision.

It simply heals and invites good.

Some people call it the alpha state, some people call it “stepping on a special bridge between God and you” , some just simply swear on what a wonderful time they have have doing art and loving the result.

This is the same reason people are attracted to the countryside (or generally getting away to a not common for them environment) as getting away from the hustle and bustle of their busy lives and stepping away from the familiar habits of their usual days seems like a desired break as they can remove themselves from the problems and forget about the pressure for a bit. Sometimes it is called "recharging". Sometimes it is called "escapism". But may be the real intention of escaping is to recharge, recalibrate and gather the strange to sort the things out.

I guess I would like to bring art and "getting away" together:

Here I invite you to virtually escape to the blissful cottage days and add the aesthetics of creative experience to it.

Cottage art works like a ticket to a horse carriage that will take you away, wherever you want and if you don't know yet where you would like to be - you can figure it out while...virtually picking strawberries near the tea pot fairy houses, drawing them leisurely from your favourite chair at home. And giving the brain the break from the familiar.

And may be it will inspire you for the most creative decisions to deal with what the life offers on its plate.

Have a creative week



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